International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Volume 9 Issue 2 (June 2018)

Original Articles

Attitude  of Regular  and  Special Primary  School Teachers  Towards Inclusive Education  in Purba  and Paschim Medinipur Districtsof West Bengal: A  Comparative  Study

Piyali Chanda & Santosh Kumar Behera

pp. 1 - 15


In the present study the investigators made a comparative study on Attitude of Regular and Special Primary School Teachers towards Inclusive Education in Purba and Paschim Medinipur Districts of West Bengal. 166 Primary school teachers (96 Regular and 70 Special teachers) in the Purba and Paschim Medinipur Districts of West Bengal were taken as representative sample for the whole population. Stratified random sampling technique was followed for selecting the Schools and teachers were selected following purposive sampling technique.  An attitude scale (Likert Type) was used for knowing the Attitude of Regular and Special Primary School teachers towards Inclusive Education. The means of both groups were tested for significance of difference by using t-test. The study revealed that the attitude of Primary Teachers in Purba and Paschim Medinipur Districts of West Bengal is neither more favorable nor unfavorable towards inclusive education i.e., satisfactory or average in attitude. The study also revealed that the attitude of Male and Female teachers in Regular and Special Schools, Male and Female teachers in Regular Schools, Male and Female teachers in Special Schools, Urban and Rural teachers in Regular and Special Schools, Trained and Untrained teachers in Regular and Special Schools, Upper and Lower primary teachers in Regular and Special Schools, Regular and Special Primary School Teachers, attitude towards Inclusive Education did not differ significantly. The study also revealed that the attitude of Rural and Urban primary school teachers both in Regular and Special schools, Lower and Upper primary special school teachers and Teachers in Regular and Special Schools in Purba and Paschim Medinipur Districts differ significantly.

Keywords: Attitude, Regular and Special Primary schools, Teacher, Inclusive Education

A Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Research Scholars

Aravind B R & Rajasekaran V

pp. 16 - 25


The present study investigates Vocabulary Learning Strategies employed by research scholars at VIT Chennai, Tamil Nadu. A questionnaire adopted from the taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) created by Schmitt (1997) was administered to 36 Research scholars (23 males and 13 females). Additionally, semi-structured interviews were also conducted with ten research scholars who completed the questionnaire to get more reliable information about their approaches with vocabulary learning strategies. The result exposed the subsequent array of strategy used by the Research scholars from the most frequent to the least frequent resembling, cognitive (COG), determination (DET), metacognitive (MET), memory (MEM) and social strategies (SOC). In particular, findings indicated that ‘Using new word in sentences’, ‘Monolingual Dictionary’, ‘Using English Language Media’ are most popular strategies, whereas ‘Peg Method’ and ‘Flashcards’ were least used.

Keywords: VLS, cognitive, determination, metacognitive, memory, social strategies.

The Relation between Teachers` Self-Reported Metacognitive Awareness and Teaching with Metacognition

Nesrin Ozturk

pp. 26 - 35


Teachers’ competency with or delivery of metacognition instruction may show variations. Although limited research offered pessimistic findings of classroom metacognition instruction, the factors have not been examined adequately. Therefore, this study examined a) the relation between teachers’ metacognitive awareness and teaching with metacognition and b) whether a professional development module of teaching metacognition might impact teaching with metacognition. Findings confirmed that metacognitive awareness and teaching with metacognition were correlated. However, a day-long module might not be sufficient to change practices of teaching with metacognition. It is, therefore, suggested teachers study metacognition explicitly and for prolonged periods. 

Keywords: metacognitive awareness, teaching with metacognition, teaching for metacognition, teaching metacognitively, survey research

Factorsrelating to Memory, Social Skill,Language Acquisition, Logical Reasoning, and Problem Solving Skills of Pre-school Children

Ananta Kumar Jena

pp. 36 - 50


The cognitive development of child is a natural phenomenona characterized by the development of memory, social skill, language acquisition, logical reasoning, and problem solving skills. The study aimed to find out the relationship among the socio-economic status, anthropometric status, and home environmental status on memory, social skill, language acquisition, logical reasoning, and problem solving aspects of cognitive development of pre-school children. Sixty pre-schoolers of two preschools of Assam, India participated in this exploratory research. SPSS version 21 used to calculate the Pearson’s product moment correlation to find out the relations among the variables. It resulted that the socio-economic status; anthropometric status and home environmental status has significant positive relationship with memory, social skill, language acquisition, logical reasoning, and problem solving aspects of cognitive development of preschoolers. Parental socioeconomic status, anthropometry, and family environment of children have the relationship with the cognitive development.

Keywords: language acquisition;logical reasoning; memory;problem solving;social skill